Let There Be Outdoor Lights

By the middle of the last century, most people enjoyed well-lit homes, and the light had started to spread outdoors as well. In the beginning, gardens were lit purely for visibility and safety, but once decorative lighting became a reality, there was no turning back.

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Paul Neal
Home To - Electrical DIY For Your Home

Anyone looking to do some DIY electrical work at home must make sure that all work complies with Part P of the Building Regulations which restricts DIY electrical work on grounds of safety. However, you are still allowed to carry out some work yourself without notifying Building Control.

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Paul Neal
Ideas for Office Lighting

Office lighting is well known for being a bit depressing. We’ve all been there and wished we could have better lighting in our workplace. Well, you can! While fluorescent lights have been a mainstay of office lighting setups for many years, there are more options available that can be used to liven up an office space.

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Paul Neal
Home Office Setup Ideas

With 2020 being a crazy year, many businesses were forced to have their staff work from home during the pandemic and lockdown height. But as things start to return to normal again, many companies are now tempted to continue having their teams working mobile and reduce the costs of office rents and any additional charges; such as business rates and utility bills.

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Paul Neal
Electrical Safety for Your Home

Your family’s safety is important to you, but have you ensured their electrical safety? The amount of electricity running through your home has enough power to cause death if electrocuted. Implementing a few simple tips regarding your cords and plugs, outlets, and circuit breakers could potentially prevent injuries or fires in your home.

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Paul Neal